Led by Miriam Schulman

Hand flipping of 2023 to 2024 on wooden block cube for preparation new year change and start new business target strategy concept.
Join us for the 2024 Goal Setting Workshop for Artists

Paint a new future: it's YOUR time to shine.

*📕FREE workbook & lifetime access to recording.

Here's why you Can't afford to miss this:

Crystal-Clear, Tailor-Made Goals:

Say goodbye to vague dreams.

You’ll leave with a vibrant, detailed roadmap of goals that blend your unique artistic flair with savvy business sense

Marketing Magic:

Dive into marketing strategies that don’t just work; they waltz with your art.

It’s time to get your masterpieces the spotlight they deserve!

Pricing & Sales with Pizzazz:

Learn to price like a pro. You're not just selling art; you're selling pieces of your soul. Let’s make sure they’re priced right!

Bespoke Business Plan:

You're one-of-a-kind, and your business plan should be too. We’re talking a plan so for you the year practically paints itself.

Fear-Busting, Confidence-Boosting:

Tackle those pesky fears and boost your confidence to the stars. You're here to make a mark, not a whisper!

Sustainable Growth & Creativity:

Keep your creative juices flowing while watching your business bloom. Balance is key, and you’ll learn to master it.

Mastering Time & Stress:

Make time your friend and kick stress to the curb. We’re all about that zen artist life.


This isn't your average workbook; it's your secret weapon to becoming a creative force to be reckoned with.

🌟 Unlock Your Artistic Vision: We'll guide you through a transformative journey to help you clarify and amplify your unique artistic vision. This isn't just about setting goals; it's about uncovering your true artistic purpose.

🌟 Confidence Boost: Crush those fears that hold you back and skyrocket your confidence. You'll radiate the self-assuredness of a seasoned pro.

We've packed this 20+ page workbook with even more insider secrets, exercises, and templates to accelerate your artistic journey

JOIN US FOR THE goal setting WORKSHOP FOR ARTISTS - this week only $97.


Why You Need to Jump In NOW:

💰 Limited Time, Unlimited Potential: For just $97, you’re not just buying a workshop; you’re investing in a future where your art pays off. And pays well.

❤️️ Made with Love, Just for You: This isn’t your run-of-the-mill, snooze-fest seminar. It’s a vibrant, personality-packed pow-wow for artists ready to rule the world.

😜 Expertise with a Side of Fun: Led by yours truly, Miriam Schulman. (I know my stuff and how to have a good time!) Learning should be fun, and we live by that!

Time’s Ticking!: Spaces are vanishing faster than free donuts in the breakroom. Don’t be the one with FOMO!

Here's a recap of everything you get...


Total Value: $448

This Program Regularly: $360

today $97

As seen on

Ready to Paint Your Future Bright?

This is it. The moment to choose boldness.

Grab your spot before it’s gone!

Price: Just $97 (It’s a no-brainer!)

*20 page workbook is included

Our Promise to You

Not thrilled with the workshop?

We doubt it, but hey, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee.

We’re that confident you’ll love it.

questions? We've got answers

Hit us up to ask! email


Hi, I'm Miriam Schulman, author of the best-selling book Artpreneur. In a previous life, I was navigating the corporate world in my Ann Taylor suits, but it left me feeling disconnected from my true purpose. Then came 9/11, a pivotal moment that made me reevaluate my path.

Over the past two decades, I've built a multiple 6-figure art business. The Inspiration Place podcast allowed me to share my journey, and fellow artists began asking me to guide them. That's why I created programs like this one.

Here, you'll learn the exact strategies used by me and countless other artists I’ve coached, enabling you to nurture your art business while creating the time and freedom to do what you love.

You'll also gain practical strategies and a clear roadmap for implementation, all led by an artist who's done it.

Stop dreaming. Start doing.

Let 2024 be the year you turn your art into your empire.

Real Stories, Real Success


Let me tell you about one of my clients, Grace.

Grace was overwhelmed, trying to juggle so many priorities.

With everything seeming equally important, she struggled to find focus. (sound familiar?)

Despite a promising start, the slow pace of sales and the mental impact of lockdowns hit her hard.

Grace found her way by slowing down and focusing on setting intentional goals.

She learned that by prioritizing her steps and aligning her actions with her true passion for underwater art, she could make real progress.

This shift in approach led to renewed interest in her work and a flourishing art career.

This inspiring journey is at the core of the 2024 Goal Setting Workshop for Artists.

Like Grace, you can learn to overcome challenges and direct your energy effectively.

This is where this workshop comes in.

It's perfect for artists like you, who might be battling "decision drama".

This workshop is your chance to:
...cut through the chaos,
...align your deepest artistic desires with achievable goals,
...and truly thrive.

Are you ready to escape the overwhelm and channel your energy into what really matters?

Take the first step towards a year of growth and success.

Make 2024 the year you finally realize your artistic vision.


Let me tell you the story of Priya, a beacon of inspiration for every artist out there.

Born in India, Priya's journey was meant to go a traditional route.

She became an engineer, a role society approved, but her heart sang a different tune.

In the quiet corners of her life, she sketched, her soul clinging to the art she adored.

Then came the move to Australia, a land so wild and untamed that it awakened the sleeping artist within her. Priya, now a mother, took the daring leap.

She left her stable engineering career to dance with her true passion – painting. Her canvases, alive with vibrant wildlife, tell her story – a story of bold choices and the pursuit of dreams.

Perhaps you're standing at a similar crossroads.

You have this burning desire to make your art, your voice, heard.

But fears, doubts, and the ‘realities’ of life hold you back.

What if you could break free?

What if you could set goals that align with your deepest desires and turn your art into more than just a side hustle or hobby?

That's exactly what this workshop is designed to do. It's not just about setting goals; it's about discovering what makes your heart sing and aligning your life with it.

Like Priya, you too can transition from dreaming to doing.

Imagine ending the year with a thriving art business, a clear vision of your future, and a heart full of satisfaction knowing you're living your dream.

That's what's waiting for you.

So, are you ready to take the leap and invest in your dreams?

Join me at the 2024 Goal Setting Workshop for Artists.

Let's turn your passion into your profession.

This is your moment. Embrace it.

Ready to make your art your business? Let’s make it happen together!

You are enough. You are more than capable. And I want you to have the same confidence in your art business as you do in your incredible artwork.

You deserve to prove to yourself that you've got what it takes to make your big dreams happen.

It's my honor to show you the way

ALL my best,

Your art. Your business. Your rules.

Join the Goal Setting Workshop for Artists in 2024 and let’s rock this!